We are pleased to share the abstracts of presentations from the 2024 CCHRI Colloquium, held June 3 to 5 at Princeton University.
The 5th CCHRI Intensive Introductory Workshop took place at Princeton University from 15 to 25 January 2024.
In partnership with DAI and ANAMED, the CCHRI announces a new collaboration focused on socio-ecological approaches to the history and archaeology of Anatolia.
CCHRI and HMEI are delighted to announce the appointment of Dr. Katherine Snow to our 2-year Postdoctoral Research position in Environmental History and Public Policy.
CCHRI team members continue to publish on historical environmental change, societal resilience & transformation as well as policy-related environmental history.
On the plateaux of Yemen traces of the Himyarite Kingdom can still be found today: terraced fields and dams formed part of a particularly sophisticated irrigation system that transformed the semi-desert into fertile fields. Himyar was an established part of South Arabia for several centuries and its influence politically and militarily extended…
CCHRI receives further funding from the Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies (PIIRS) for the next three years (2022-2025).
We are pleased to announce that the PAGES (Past Global Changes) Scientific Steering Committee has endorsed the CCHRI and its activities.
“Pandemics in the Past: From Prehistory to (Almost) the Present" is available to watch online.